Nous avons eu du soleil quand même un peu la semaine dernière car ces photos, je n'aurais pas pu les faire aujourd'hui, avec cette journée grise et pluvieuse !
C'est bon de voir des ombres, c'est signe que le soleil brille !
ombre de l'après midi...
ombres du matin...
6 commentaires:
interesting shadows, great shots!
Playing with shadows, Queen Claude?
So, is Claude typically a male name (a la Monet)? I wondered about the "e" at the end of his name.
Tu as l'air d'avoir un grand et beau jardin. Bonne idée ces photos d'ombres.
Z About Claude name I do not think it is typically a male name if a French Queen had this name, but it was a name given to a lot of boys, less to girls. About the "e" it is male and female. It is "ie" or "ia" for women and "ius" or io" for men. Claude is a all-purpose name !
Thanks for the explanation. I know a male Pascal and a female Pascale, and a male Michel and a female Michele, so that's why I thought the "e" ending was related to the feminine. :-)
Z the "E" is female in only this following case : Claudin for a men Claudine for a women.
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